Sponsored Roundtables
* The following applies only for sponsors that have a sponsored roundtable lunch in their contract *
Roundtable lunches are small-group conversations led by experts and thought leaders with 8 to 10 participants. They are freeform, with the style and topic set by the moderator (“table host”). In some cases, these lunches look like a Q&A with participants digging into the host’s expertise. In others, the table host has a question or challenge for the participants that sparks conversation and networking. These lunches are not well-suited for presentations or panel discussions, though we recommend preparing a brief one-minute overview of your topic and being prepared with a few questions to get the conversation going. The best topics are open-ended and encourage participants to share their experiences. Avoid topics that are too narrow or specific.
📆 Sponsored Roundtable Deadlines
Dec 13 - Submit session items
Jan 17 - Submit table host info & Book table host hotel room
Jan 31 - Register table host
Action Items
Submit session items - Please submit your session items (listed below) via the GreenBiz 25 Sponsored Roundtable Form by 📆 Dec 13 at the latest.
Session date - Sponsored roundtables can be hosted on Feb 10 (12:15-1:15pm) or Feb 11 (12:15-1:15pm). Please confirm which date you prefer and note they are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis and dependent on our content schedule (if your topic conflicts with a concurring session, we might need to revise your session date). Your title (or at least topic idea) must therefore be submitted before we can approve your preferred date.
Session title - 100 characters with spaces max, title case. We recommend using forward-looking phrases and avoiding words that are too niche or generic. Your title will be reviewed by our content team once submitted.
Session description - A brief paragraph explaining your roundtable topic in more detail. This will only be used to review and finalize your title. The description will NOT be published on the online program.
Submit table host info - Please submit your table host info by 📆 Jan 17 at the latest. This includes the host's name, job title, company name, headshot, short bio (1-5 sentence paragraph) and email address. Once you have submitted the session items above, your customer success manager will provide a form for your table host to submit their information. We recommend prioritizing a BIPOC team member for this role, and it must be an industry or topic-specific expert (no sales or marketing personnel).
Book hotel room & register table host - Please make sure your table host books their hotel room by 📆 Jan 17 and registers for the event by 📆 Jan 31 following the directions on this page. They can register with any pass, but note roundtable hosts will NOT be given complimentary Speaker All-Access passes.
Read prep-materials - Please have your table host read through the roundtable lunch tips and logistics listed below to ensure your session runs smoothly.
Timing: Sponsored roundtable lunches will be hosted alongside regular roundtable lunches on Feb 10 (12-1:30pm) or Feb 11 (12-1:30pm). Each sponsored roundtable will only occur once.
Format: Roundtable lunches will be held at tables of 8-10 people, and there will be up to 30 concurrent sessions at tables around the designated roundtable lunch area each day.
Signups: There is no advance sign-up — participation is first-come, first-served. Participants will NOT have their badges scanned, so we will not be able to send attendee information to sponsors.
Session info: There will be a placard on each table with the table host’s name, organization and roundtable lunch title. Roundtable lunch information will also be available on the event website and conference app for attendees to see before and during the event.
What Makes a Great Roundtable?
🤝 Engage your participants. This is a chance for participants to interact with you and each other. Don't present — facilitate. Make your session a dialogue.
📚 Share examples. Nothing communicates better than a real-life story. Stories make facts real and relatable. Weave examples and anecdotes from your own experiences to bring the concepts being discussed to life.
🚫 Don't sell. The best table hosts illuminate without being preachy or salesy. If you’re trying to promote something — yourself, your company, a product or service — you’ll lose the audience. Instead, share your knowledge. If you do it well, it will give you far more credibility and will invite conversations that will allow you to make your pitch later on.
📇 Collect business cards. Trellis is not able to track roundtable attendance, so please plan on having your table host collect attendee contact information/business cards to continue the conversation after the event.